Yuni Kim Lang is a visual artist based out of Michigan in the United States who creates sculptures, photographs and wearable art exploring themes of weight, mass, accumulation, hair as a cultural identity within our society.  She takes rope and synthetic materials to transform and transcend their material state into sculptures representing and visually replicating bodily states such as hair.  Fascinated by what people give power and meaning to, along with her obsession with adornment, she has created some of the most mind-bending and thought provoking installations and work you will ever see with the theme ‘hair‘.

Her recent work Comfort Hair is a sculpture inspired by the Gache, a big wig worn by Korean women of high social backgrounds back in history. So powerful and beautiful yet so burdensome and heavy, the installation reflects on our societies intense relationship between our own styles, personalities, and self identities we portray through our design, presentation, and overall care that we put our hair through each day of our lives – serving as more of a personal statement about ourselves versus its natural role in human life.

You can also check out some of Lang’s amazing Black Knot Jewelry surrounding the same themes as her Comfort hair installation on her sites!


© All images courtesy of the artist.

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