Welp,  between waking up with a hangover and driving all over LA before the festival even started,  getting 6 bottles of champagne from Trouble,  sleeping in my car Saturday night in a Denny’s parking lot, 95 degree weather, losing my memory cards and then getting them back last night I’d say this years Hard Summer was a huge success.  I know I started this off with a lot of shit sounding experiences and then still called this festival fantastic.  This is to emphasize how good it was this year. Hard Summer has gotten a lot of shit for being so electronic music heavy and this year the proved that they are more than that with artists like The Weekend, Schoolboy Q, Cromeo, Die Antwoord, Leikeli47 (who was nothing short of amazing!) and a lot of other hip hop and rap acts, the music but also the fans and scene was far more diverse and that made for an all around better environment.   It was a bit sad to see Chemical Bothers and Ratatat play for such small crowds though.  But that was due to the young crowd and the past years of the fest being so DJ heavy.  I hope that Hard keeps bringing in a mix of different artists though and fans of all music genres continue to hit up this festival!

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