Photographer Gaspar Marquez and model Gia & Noma teamed up for today’s exclusive NAKID feature editorial titled, ‘RED DREAMS‘. Gaspar Marquez was born in Mexico , soon developed an addiction for photography and the arts, as a child would take his mother’s camera and shoot just for fun without her consent. He’s a self taught photographer , but took plenty of classes at prestigious schools such as the School of The International Center of Photography and The School of Visual Arts in New York city, not to mention he’s got a BA in Business Administration in Mexico. He’s working as a Freelance photographer/Videographer doing Fine Art /fashion . He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Red Dreams is a completed body of work that portrays my vision of an erotic fantasy. Sounds Cliche but, I would like to know who hasn’t thought about being with Twin sisters at the same time? Well , this is the materialization of my perverted fantasy. And for my Techie friends these images were shot using a DSLR camera, I shot in RAW but then I post-processed the files in Photoshop. I solarized the photos and used filters ,add some selections , masking , layers and some other tools and techniques to create the fantasy dream I was going after. I wanted to somehow make the viewer feel a little bit surreal, however, a visual feast to the eyes and soul.

“I experiment with the nude female body because is the source of my inspiration, I always felt the need to photograph it, I am convinced that I unconsciously wanted to capture the essence of the female beauty and it was paramount to fulfill my artistic expression and unique style of creating images in the context of a story.

Photography is the media of my choice but as a kid I was attracted to painting: especially Surrealism, Cubism and Expressionism, but it didn’t come easy to me, so I took a 35 mm camera and started to create my vision & style.”

If you love this visual story then show them some love, this is just a glimpse of the amazing stuff they have created – head over to their Instagram below to check out more from this awesome artist and support their creativity and your daily inspiration by following them!

Check out more of Gaspar Marquez and their work here:  INSTAGRAM / WEBSITE / TWITTER

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