Freelance photographer and visual artist Jessica Ewald, is one of the artists that is still holding true to analog film photography and not only that but thriving – she shows that mainstream may be getting more advanced technology and equipment but it will never be a substitute or come close to the real feeling and emotion and artistic expression that film holds.  Based in Los Angeles, her work focuses on portraiture, lifestyle, fine art, product, and entertainment. She splits her time working on new projects with being the Director of Social Media at Small Green Door, Social Media Photographer at TOMS, and consistently work on onetime and reoccurring photography projects for various clients. In the last few years she has worked as the Art Director for Atlantic Records and signed band NTO1927, and before that she also shot for Omaha Publications, and a multitude of artists and musicians on the infamours Bright Eyes founder’s label, Saddle Creek Records, throughout the Omaha area. Prior to my photographic endeavors she used to develop websites for musicians, artists, and photographers.  As you can see she has it in her blood, being creative is just a part of her and exploring new avenues of artistic expression is something that fuels her everyday life.  Here are some of our favorite shots from this LA badass!

See more of Jessica Ewald’s work here:  WEBSITE / INSTAGRAM / TUMBLR

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