
Dominoe, a photographer based out of Los Angeles. She submitted a series of images taken downtown L.A. and shot entirely on film. Some of the images are colored by hand and collaged together.

For this series she played around with hands, symmetry, shadow and shapes. “Our hands are what distinguish us from all other animals and with them we have been given the power to either create or destroy. To empower or drain. I think these images capture that dichotomy.”

See more of Dominoe Farris’s Here: WEBSITE / INSTAGRAM

Model: Chelsea Lopez

Hands belong to Seri Traipoom, Shannon Griffith, & Bunny Urick 

Hands-6 Hands-7 Hands-3 Hands-9 Hands-2 Hands-11 Hands-4 Hands-8 Hands-1 Hands-10

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