Portrait and Still life Photographer, Stanislav Strilets Submitted his latest project which is an astrological concept, meaning a rare position of this planet. It happens once in approximately 30 years and always signifies a special period in the life of every person. This is a time of great changes and even sufferings. Saturn appears in its controversial image, bringing chaos and confusion in one’s habitual foundations and life. This is the period of deprivation, internal imbalances and disconnection with the outside world. However, behind the suffering and painful changes something more than chaos and destruction hides. In fact, Saturn brings a veiled power of purification. This is what demolishes our fears and attachments. This is the force that causes us to evolve and move on, sometimes against our will.

“Filled with profound symbolism and fundamental contradictions, Saturn has inspired me to create a series of 33 works. Each of them reveals some aspect of Saturn, its external and internal qualities. Mystical revelation, painful emotions on the edge of existence, hidden answers – all this can be seen through the characters of the project. A person who experienced Saturn Return, will never stay the same.”

See more of Stanislav’s work here: WEBSITE / INSTAGRAM



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