Photographer Ryan Hattaway and model Gigi Paris teamed up for today’s exclusive NAKID feature editorial titled, ‘Hedonistic Hideaway‘ styled by Jazzie Bella.

As the quarantine is wearing us all thin, and summer is quickly approaching, Ryan and I shot Gigi at a few locations around Malibu after the new year not knowing our world was about to get shut down. Looking back through the photos- I felt it captured a story of reminiscing about that summer Something we can all relate to… and how she is retracing her steps reliving all of the memories -chasing that feeling.

If you love this visual story then show them some love, this is just a glimpse of the amazing stuff they have created – head over to their Instagram below to check out more from this awesome artist and support their creativity and your daily inspiration by following them!

Check out more of Ryan Hattaway and their work here:  INSTAGRAM

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