An avid creator for over 25 years, photographer Daniel Nuderscher went to the depths of grain darkness with this new black & white story for today’s exclusive NAKID feature editorial titled, ‘Embracing Herself‘. A blind creative shoot session between the two, neither had any idea of the outcome, but trusted the others vision. When Daniel arrived at the models (who wishes to remain anonymous) atelier, she said..

“I feel really introverted today and I need to embrace myself for comfort.”

So, together they created a photo session about her comforting herself, embracing herself and showing the emotions she felt at that time. The portraits are intimate, the connection between photographer and muse is obvious, it resonates.

“My work is about opening up, showing the other whats inside. Especially if the emotions inside are uncomfortable, strong or difficult to handle. When I shoot with someone (I almost never shoot with professional models) it is an intense experience for both of us. Intimacy and being close with someone is not a very common experience for many people anymore. I often wonder how lonely the people I work with feel inside. My work is emotionally challenging for me and the model but the connection and the feeling of ‘not being alone’ makes up for the challenge. I honestly love the way I work now. Every shooting is a unique and valuable experience for me.”

If you love this visual story then show them some love, this is just a glimpse of the amazing stuff they have created – head over to their Instagram below to check out more from this awesome artist and support their creativity and your daily inspiration by following them!

Check out more of Daniel Nuderscher and their work here:  INSTAGRAM / WEBSITE

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