Photographer DEFTOM, based in Bordeaux, France, and model Juliette Vicens teamed up for today’s exclusive NAKID feature editorial titled, ‘Lost In Blue‘ with makeup artist Margot Sabin.

A series of my “monochrome characters” project. I regularly work with five muses who are very inspiring and important to me. I put them together in a series that I named “All Star”. And with each of them I work on this series of “monochrome characters.

“Here with Juliette, I decided to explore the color blue. I headed for a lunar atmosphere with a decor of desolation. As if this character arrived on earth after the collapse of humanity. I want spectacular images full of emotions. Juliette Vicens brilliantly managed to inject the emotion needed for this character. And Margot Sabin prepared Juliette’s body perfectly with the blue paint.” – DEFTOM

If you love this visual story then show them some love, this is just a glimpse of the amazing stuff they have created – head over to their Instagram below to check out more from this awesome artist and support their creativity and your daily inspiration by following them!

Check out more of DEFTOM and their work here:  INSTAGRAM

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