Photographer Paul Estévez, hailing from Cuautitlan Izcalli, Estado de México, México, has once again captivated audiences with his latest editorial titled “J’s Story”. This stunning series for NAKID stars the beautiful and enigmatic model ‘J‘, who resides in a room where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, creating a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

In each image, Estévez skillfully captures moments when J’s surroundings come alive with startling, almost surreal twists. From floating objects to seemingly impossible transformations, the photographs portray a fascinating exploration of the connection between the real and the imagined. J herself becomes the link between these two worlds, leaving viewers to question the very nature of perception and how we understand and interpret the world around us.

“J’s Story” invites us on a journey to delve into the mysteries of the human mind and the magic that can emerge in even the most ordinary places. Estévez’s skilled eye and artistic vision bring these everyday settings to life, transforming them into extraordinary realms filled with wonder and intrigue. With each photograph, he encourages us to embrace our imagination and challenge our preconceptions of reality.

It is worth mentioning that Estévez’s work is all done using analog equipment and materials, including cameras from the years 1930 to 1980. His passion for preserving forgotten processes and techniques that are on the verge of extinction shines through in his timeless photography. By utilizing 135mm and 120mm format film, Estévez pays tribute to the traditional artistry of photography, adding a unique and nostalgic touch to his work.

Estévez’s creative brilliance has not gone unnoticed in the artistic world. In 2020, his work was recognized as an Official Selection in the first one-minute film festival and also gained popularity on the TikTok platform for its vertical format. However, despite his achievements, Estévez humbly continues to share his knowledge and passion for photography as a teacher at the Center for Studies in Communication Sciences CECC.

Photographer Paul Estévez has once again proven his ability to push boundaries and challenge perceptions with his latest editorial “J’s Story”. Through his extraordinary vision and artistic talent, he invites us to explore the magic that can emerge in the most familiar surroundings, leaving us captivated by the mysteries of the human mind.

If you love this visual story then show them some love, this is just a glimpse of the amazing stuff they have created – head over to their Instagram below to check out more from this awesome artist and support their creativity and your daily inspiration by following them!

Check out more of Paul Estévez and their work here:  INSTAGRAM

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